
5 Restorative Reasons Osteopathic Medicine Is the Best Approach to Pain

During osteopathic manipulation, a doctor of osteopathic medicine Cary, NC uses specialized tools or their hands to apply sudden pressure to your body. They direct this pressure to different joints, muscles, and other soft tissues. The quick or continuous techniques are designed to promote healing.

Osteopathic manipulation techniques naturally alleviate pain, relieve musculoskeletal issues, and enhance circulation. All of this is without medication or surgery. If pain is affecting your quality of life, here are five reasons osteopathic manual treatment (OMT) could offer the most wholesome relief.

It Is Noninvasive

OMT is a noninvasive treatment often offered as an alternative to surgery or medication. Your provider uses their hands to manipulate your tissues and joints without a single injection or incision. Through OMT, your doctor can relieve restrictions and tightness that cause nerve, joint, or muscle problems.

Because it is non-invasive and does not involve medication, OMT is generally considered safe. It can be performed safely on people of all ages, including the elderly, children, and infants. Even pregnant women in their third trimesters can safely receive OMT.

It Heals the Entire Body

OMT uses gentle stretching, resistance, and pressure to move your joints and muscles. This process has been proven to improve overall body function and treat many musculoskeletal conditions. Among other issues, OMT can address muscle pain, joint pain, arthritis, sports injuries, and neck and back pain.

OMT also helps relieve chronic migraines and headaches. Because it restores proper body function, alignment, and structure, it can also enhance the function of different body systems. These include your immunological, neurological, hormonal, gastrointestinal, and respiratory systems.

It Can Significantly Relieve Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain can be difficult to treat, especially when it is chronic. A recent medical study shows that osteopathic medicine can improve function and alleviate pain in people with nonspecific, long-lasting low back pain. Per the study, the benefits of OMT increase as pain and disability worsen.

Another study that assessed the findings of previous studies confirmed the effectiveness of OMT in reducing lower back pain. According to the study, OMT reduces pain by up to 30 percent.

It Can Be Combined with Other Therapies

The noninvasive and safe nature of OMT makes it highly compatible with other pain therapies. In fact, combining this treatment with other treatments may improve your chances of recovery. Medical research shows that adding OMT to some rehabilitation programs can improve recovery.

Per this research, including OMT in a heart surgery rehabilitation program can reduce post-procedure complications. It can also help you regain full function sooner.

It Is Evidence-Based and Integrated Care

Osteopathic manipulation takes a holistic approach to your health. Rather than focus on one part of the body, it helps all your systems work as they should for overall wellness. Many OMT regimens are created following a complete assessment of your illness, goals, lifestyle, and medical history.

Schedule Your Osteopathic Manipulation Session Today

Osteopathic manipulation is one of the most holistic treatments for musculoskeletal issues and chronic pain. Providers are trained to reduce pain and correct body imbalances naturally and improve your quality of life. The best part is that you will not need pain medications or surgery at all.

If left untreated, pain can significantly limit your mobility and ability to enjoy life. But invasive treatments like surgery can be scary and risky. If you would like to try a noninvasive and effective pain solution, call an OMT provider today to discuss your symptoms.

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