
Common Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Tests

Does your menstrual bleeding last more than seven days, or is it heavy to the extent that you soak a tampon or pad within two hours? Such symptoms point towards menorrhagia, which can significantly impact your health and quality of life. Lake Mary heavy bleeding could be due to underlying conditions like cancer, fibroids, or endometriosis. It could also be due to a pregnancy complication, hormonal imbalance, inherited bleeding disorders, or medication. Proper diagnosis and treatment are essential since heavy menstrual bleeding can cause complications like anemia, lead to infertility, and severe pain. Among the tests that can help establish the root cause or extent of the damage caused by heavy bleeding includes:

Pap test

A pap test entails collecting cells from your cervix, which are screened for inflammation, changes, or infection. The results may indicate cancer or cellular changes that could cause cancer. This could be the main reason for heavy menstrual bleeding, and its treatment and management can stop it and other symptoms like pelvic pain.


Ultrasound tests employ sound waves to gain an image of your blood vessels, organs, and tissues. The test can help diagnose heavy bleeding causes like polyps or fibroids. If the blood flow is affected by growths, ultrasound can also be used as a treatment method. Ultrasound surgery uses focused waves to help shrink or destroy fibroids tissue. The procedure does not include incisions and can help address heavy bleeding and other symptoms of fibroids like frequent urination, bladder emptying difficulties, pelvic pain, and pressure.

Blood test

Blood tests include collecting a blood sample with a needle and testing it for concerns like blood clotting problems, and thyroid issues, and to check for anemia. Disorders like von Willebrand’s disease could cause heavy menstrual bleeding. The disorder is characterized by impaired or a deficiency of an essential blood-clotting factor, which can result in excessive menstrual bleeding. Blood tests can also establish if you have thyroid problems, which could be the reason for the heavy bleeding considering its impact on your hormonal balance. The test can also show if you have anemia as a complication of heavy menstrual bleeding, informing the doctor on the best treatment approach.

Endometrial biopsy

An endometrial biopsy entails collecting a sample of the endometrium (inner uterus lining) to test for abnormal cells or cancer. If abnormal cells are present or cancer, it could be the cause of heavy bleeding, and its treatment can remediate the situation.


Hysteroscopy employs a tool to look inside the uterus. The doctor can see and tell if you have concerns like fibroids, polyps, or other abnormalities that could cause heavy bleeding.

Many women discount heavy bleeding as normal or are embarrassed to talk about it, let alone seek medical attention. Heavy bleeding can cause severe health concerns if untreated, emphasizing the need to seek medical care to establish its cause and receive prompt treatment. Heavy menstrual bleeding treatments range from drug therapy like birth control and hormone therapy to surgical procedures such as hysterectomy. Contact Christopher K Quinsey, MD, today for more on heavy bleeding, causes, and treatments.

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