
Debunking Myths About Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a medical disorder where endometrial tissue, which appears like the uterine lining, develops outside of the uterus as well as other parts of the pelvis, including the ovaries and pelvic walls, resulting in uncomfortable side effects like strong pelvic pain, erratic menstrual bleeding, and pain during sexual activity.

Despite the fact that endometriosis is believed to impact 10% of women in their reproductive years, there are still a lot of myths circulating about it. Therefore, it is advisable to contact endometriosis Jackson Heights to know more about the illness rather than surrounding yourself with myths.

Debunking myths about endometriosis

Myth: Endometriosis is an uncommon disorder.

Fact: True, but endometriosis is often misdiagnosed.

Most women wait an average of seven years before obtaining an accurate diagnosis of endometriosis since its symptoms can often be written off as regular menstrual symptoms. Endometriosis can affect transgender males, including those who depend on testosterone treatment, and it can affect up to 10% of women.

Myth: Endometriosis represents a really uncomfortable phase.

Fact: The pelvic disorder endometriosis can have a negative effect on your health.

Endometriosis is generally characterized by pain during periods, during intercourse or stool movements, and excessive bleeding. Despite the fact that many women are aware that these are “normal” period symptoms, severe pain or other lingering pain might be a sign of a deeper condition like endometriosis. They need to have a gynecologist’s evaluation.

Myth: Endometriosis has no effect on a woman’s ability to have children.

Fact: Endometriosis can give rise to infertility. 

Endometriosis may be found in over 50% of infertile women. Problematic scar tissue could arise from a response to inflammation brought on by endometriosis.

Myth: Endometriosis is incurable.

Fact: Surgery may minimize symptoms.

The diagnosis of endometriosis is carried out by laparoscopic surgery. A small camera is inserted during laparoscopic surgery, a minimally invasive procedure, to look for endometrial lesions and safely eliminate any that are present. Endometriosis symptoms may also be controlled with various treatments, such as birth control, progesterone IUDs, or anti-inflammatory drugs.

Myth: Endometriosis is curable through pregnancy

Fact: Endometriosis cannot be cured by pregnancy.

During pregnancy, some women have relief from symptoms while others may not; still, other women might suffer symptoms worsening. Pregnancy does not appear to benefit women with endometriosis, as per research. Additionally, researchers point out that even though several endometriosis lesions decrease, others stabilize or increase.

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