
Major Causes of Infertility in Women

The joy of every woman is to conceive and raise a healthy family. However, there are times when different factors and diseases may limit you as they may cause infertility. The condition may be very draining for women who desire to have children. Various factors trigger infertility in women, including hormonal imbalances and chronic conditions. 

If you have struggled to get pregnant and think you may be infertile, Women’s Healthcare Physicians will help examine and treat your infertility problem. They will help you understand the causes and how you can overcome them. Learn more about the various causes of infertility in women before booking an appointment.

Hormonal Imbalances

Body hormones are responsible for the effective function of different body organs. However, it can trigger irregular ovulation, eventually leading to infertility. Some common hormonal imbalances, such as thyroid disorder and polycystic ovary syndrome, mostly affect a woman’s reproductive health and may lead to infertility if not addressed. 

These hormones raise the androgen levels in women, interfering with their ovulation by distorting the body’s hormonal balance. Also, when the level of prolactin is high in a woman’s blood, it may also affect the ovulation cycle, leading to infertility in the long run.

Age Factors

As women age, the fertility level decreases proportionally due to decreased egg production in their ovaries. Women have a finite number of eggs at their fertile stage, but the number declines as they age, eventually depleting once they reach menopause. 

The quality of available eggs also declines as they age, lowering the chances of conceiving at a certain age. When a woman’s age is close to menopause, infertility is highly possible, and they will struggle to get pregnant due to age-related fertility problems.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition that tampers with the ovulation cycle in women. It is a hormonal disorder that affects aging women and may lead to infertility due to prolonged symptoms. Most women with polycystic ovary syndrome usually experience irregular periods and high androgen levels in their bodies, leading to infertility and difficulties in conceiving.


This is usually an inflammation of the uterus due to the growth of tissues on the uterus lining. A woman with this condition will experience excessive bleeding and even maybe unable to conceive since the uterus is unprepared and the egg has nowhere to attach. Endometriosis also causes scarring on the uterus lining, which affects infertility and interferes with fertilized egg implantation.

Blocked Fallopian Tubes

A woman with blocked fallopian tubes will have difficulties conceiving, which may hinder sperm from getting to the egg. This condition eventually leads to infertility unless the problem is addressed. The blockage occurs due to abnormalities or infections in the ovaries or uterus. It mostly occurs in women who experience a pelvic infection or have undergone pelvic surgery.

When women conceive, they are assured that their reproductive health is on the right track. However, any struggles to conceive may raise many questions. Suppose you have doubts about your reproductive system due to problems such as irregular periods.

In that case, you must consult a reproductive specialist to understand the cause and receive appropriate treatment to prevent infertility. If you are also struggling with infertility, discuss with your doctor the underlying causes and the possible treatments to help eliminate your problem.

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